What is brand management?
Brand management is the strategic alignment and maintenance of a brand throughout its entire life cycle.
What measures are taken in brand management?
Typical measures include, for example, strategic planning, implementation and monitoring, but also the provision of human and financial resources, tools and systems to manage the brand consistently.
What is good brand management?
A clear brand strategy and long-term commitment are required to leverage a brand to become the leading brand in its industry. The brand strategy involves a clear, strategy-based positioning, a maximally reduced brand architecture and a profiled brand experience that supports the business strategy. Long-term commitment is expressed in ongoing investment in the brand and professional brand management.
Who is in charge of brand management?
Ideally, brand management is the responsibility of a branding specialist, e.g. Head of Branding. Sometimes a Chief Communication Officer also assumes responsibility.
What is the difference between brand management and marketing?
Brand management is the strategic groundwork: it involves the strategic development and maintenance of a brand in order to increase its awareness, recognition and contribution to value creation. Marketing, on the other hand, comprises all activities aimed at promoting and selling products or services. A successful marketing strategy includes promotion –e.g. via advertising, PR, direct marketing, sponsoring, trade fairs, events – but also pricing, product policy and the selection of sales channels.
What are the biggest mistakes in brand management?
- Lack of strategic foundations: a brand with an unclear positioning is irrelevant – and will not become a preferred brand.
- No adaptation to market changes: a brand that stands still and does not react to evolving customer needs and market situations risks to becoming irrelevant.
- Inadequate internal brand management: if employees do not represent the brand to the outside world because they either do not understand it, or because they are just introduced to strategic principles and design elements in a rudimentary way, this will lead to a dilution of the brand. In the long run, brand equity is negatively affected – which equals destruction of assets.
- Excessive focus on advertising/marketing without building and maintaining the strategic branding foundation: A brand that exclusively relies on advertising campaigns may be able to achieve short-term sales success. However, frequently changing campaigns prevent the brand from developing a clear strategic profile. This impairs trust in the brand and brand loyalty.