Glossary of Branding Terms

Employer brand

What is an employer brand?
The employer brand is the aspect of the corporate brand that uses specific images and messages to attract talent and retain employees. 

What makes a successful employer brand?
The foundation for a successful employer brand is a strong corporate brand that is in line with the business strategy. The employer brand also focuses on the expectations of talented individuals.

Why is employer branding important?
A strategically managed employer brand can help implement the business strategy by attracting the right talent – for example, for a growth strategy, or for pioneering innovation, or for internationalization, or for a transformation process.

Which elements define the employer brand strategy?
The employer brand strategy consists of three to four elements:

Which elements are specifically developed for an employer brand design?
Corporate design and employer brand design have many elements in common: logo, brand colors, visual style, fonts and UX elements are identical. In addition, the employer brand design can use specific key visuals, special design elements and possibly additional design colors.

What are the common mistakes in employer branding?

Curious for more?
Discover how a strong employer brand adds value: