Branding Cases
Siemens Energy Brand Experience
Development of a differentiating brand experience for Siemens Energy as an independent company.
Development of a differentiating brand experience for Siemens Energy as an independent company.
Strategic task
Siemens Energy drives the transition to more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy systems. In order to position Siemens Energy in this role as global leader, and to ensure the link to Siemens, a new, visionary corporate identity has been developed. Guiding idea behind the design concept are maximum differentiation and flexible principles for different touch-points. To support identification with the new, independent company, powerful, identity-building elements such as the brand color “Purple“, the purple gradient and the design element “Dot Sphere” were created.
Siemens AG
Siemens Energy website
Markenfels Services
Brand Positioning
Key Messages
Corporate Design
Corporate Design Lookbook